How to Feed Cat in P3p

Part 71: 7/12/09


Didn't see much of anyone today.

Video- "Reasons"


Nothing to do as usual, huh?
Hmph… Why're you here?
If you came here to try and convince me, then forget it.
…It's nothing like that.
I just wanted to see how you were doing.
We've known each other for a long time…
It's been almost 14 years since we met at the orphanage…
You, me, and Miki… We used to run around here until the sun went down.
Back then, it seemed like we had all the time in the world.
Heh… You haven't changed one bit.
If you wanna get all sappy, go do it with your other friends.
…What was that!?

So obviously, there's something on your mind.
I do reminisce sometimes… But, what's the point?
…Anyway, we finally know how to get rid of Tartarus, and the Dark Hour.
No shit?
To be honest, all I've been thinking about lately is getting stronger.
But yesterday, someone made me question my reason for fighting…
Your reason for fighting, huh…
That's different for every person. But, if you don't have a good one, you can always quit…
…like I did.
…I'm not like you.
…Man, I can't believe I'm the one getting lectured here.
Well, see ya around.
Tch… You haven't changed at all…

…Can I talk to you for a moment?
…Oh, please come in.
Not only do you excel at providing support during battle, but also at obtaining information.
Oh, I-I'm sorry for doing that without permission…
Don't worry, you're not in trouble. But, I do have a special favor to ask of you.
I want you to find out as much as you can about that incident ten years ago.
But, very little was made public…
That's why I want you to access the Kirijo Group's database.
You mean, hack into their system?
That's illegal.
I'll give you my ID and password. You'll be free from accountability.
I want to know the truth, in detail.
Of course, I'll understand if you refuse.
Okay, I'll see what I can do.
Are you sure?
…I appreciate it.

After all, despite my good intentions, I did drag you into this without fully explaining.
Certainly, you must be a little angry with me…
Not really.
You see, my parents have an inferiority complex because all my relatives are doctors…
That's why they're so tough on me…
…It's really hard for me to be at home…
But here, I feel important, and I can help you and the others…
So, why would I be angry?
You're right, Yamagishi. We do need you.
No one can take your place.
Thank you… I'll see you later.

So, Tartarus and the Dark Hour will be gone, huh…
That's good…
That's what we've been fighting for…
So, why am I so pissed!?
Listless Student: Gosh, it's hot… even for July.
Student's Friend: Seriously. But, at least we're seniors now…
We won't be wearing these stupid uniforms much longer.
Listless Student: Yeah, I've had enough of this. I just wanna get accepted to college and start having some fun.
Haha, I know why…
I'M the reason…
I was like, "Fighting is my duty." But hell, it's all I'm good for.
If it weren't for that…
I'd be worthless.
Haha, my duty…? What a buncha bullshit.
Even when it comes to fighting… she's just on another level…
Dammit! Nothing I do is good enough!
* sigh *

Seems like my worst fears keep coming true…
Am I stupid to believe in things like trust and friendship…?
This old letter of yours…
I must've read it a thousand times since it came last spring…
Letter: "March 6th, 2000. To my family,"
"Tomorrow, I'll bring this letter to the opening ceremony for the Moonlight Bridge."
"It'll be stored in a time capsule, and sent to you ten years from now."
"Yukari… You're so small right now, but in ten years, you'll be sixteen. You'll be in high school."
Letter: "I know you've been sad because I have to work so late, but you still always greet me with a smile."
"I'm really proud of myself. Kirijo-san appointed me Head Researcher."
"I'll be starting on a big project soon, and I'm happy to be receiving so much regognition for my work…"
"But, I swear to you that nothing is more important to me than you and your mother."
Letter: "Yukari… Are you remembering to enjoy life?"
"Are you still bright-eyed and hopeful, like you are now?"
"No matter what happens in the next ten years, I hope you're happy."
"…Well, I hope this letter brings a smile to your face."
"Love, Dad"

I can't lose hope… for his sake.
I won't turn my back. I won't be like Mom.
Not ever…

They had some interesting shoes on Tanaka's show, so I ordered some.

The only person I actually saw today was Fuuka, who never goes out anyway so no surprise.

Everyone seems to be studying…
I mean, I haven't seen anyone around, so they must be studying, right?
Okay, good. So then, when the exams are over, everything will go back to normal.

I went back to the cat, it was looking much better already.

> He seems to be very weak. Maybe he's hungry…
> Give him Super Cat Food?
Weak Cat: …Mew.
> The cat slowly started to eat.
Weak Cat: ……
Meow… Meowww…
Contented Cat: Meooooww!
> The cat is purring loudly. It seems happy.
> The cat seems to have regained all its energy by eating the cat food.
> It seems you won't need to come and feed it anymore.

Yeah as soon as it was feeling better the cat just sauntered off to… wherever.

Thank you very much. I can feel the relief in the depths of my heart.
I hope it prospers forever and ever…
Please accept your reward.
> Obtained S. Outfit Yukari.

Oh, I heard there was some news regarding the tree at the school so I swung in to talk with Bunkichi and his wife.

Welcome, Aelita-chan. I've been waiting for you.
I wanted to tell you the good news as soon as possible. It's about a customer who came by earlier…
Who do you think it was? Here's a hint: "signature."
A petitioner?
Wow! I'm impressed! I thought that hint was too vague…
But yeah, it was one of the organizers of the campaign to save the persimmon tree.
> Bunkichi seems cheerful.
He said, "Let's protect the tree together!"
…AND he's gotten a lot of signatures from students who were in our son's class.
That's great.
Many people want to honor his memory…
He was loved by everyone…
Of course! He was our proud son!
I'm sure he's just as happy as we are…
Alright! Aelita-chan, let's go to Gekkoukan right now!
I have to tell my son the good news!

I mean it's Sunday and all but I wasn't going to tell him no.

Sweet! That's music to my ears!
> Bunkichi seems really excited.
I've never been so excited about a walk before!
> Bunkichi and Mitsuko seem to have taken a liking to you.
> Your relationship is stronger now!

I'm just glad they're happy.

Let's race to the persimmon tree from here! I won't lose, not even to a youngster like you!
Alright, dear, we'll be back. Thanks for watching the store.
> The school was closed, but you climbed over the gate to visit the persimmon tree…

Anyway not much to do tonight, since everyone was still missing.

Narrator: Episode 21: Trash Monster On the Move! Don't litter, kids!
Newscaster: …And now, the news.

He was back again when the Dark Hour came.

How long has it been since we first met? Time passes so quickly.
So, how's life as a Persona-user?
It's fulfilling!
Oh, that's good to hear.
I remembered something else about the coming of the end…
It all goes back to an occurrence that took place many years ago…
…Ten years ago, if I remember correctly.
Didn't your parents pass away about ten years ago?
A Persona is like a mirror.
Which means, a Persona-user can never escape from his true self.
Regardless, I will stay with you…
…because we're friends.
> You sense a faint bond between you and Pharos…

The end, eh…

Good night…
> Pharos disappeared…

I'm not going to let this world end, no matter what it takes.


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